Netlist Paths ============= Netlist Paths is a library and command-line tool for querying a Verilog netlist. It reads an XML representation of a design's netlist, produced by `Verilator `_, and provides facilities for inspecting variables and their data type and dependency information. The library is written in C++ and has a Python interface allowing it to be integrated easily into scripts. Compared with standard front-end EDA tools such as Synopsys Verdi and Spyglass, Netlist Paths is oriented towards command-line use for exploration of a design (rather than with a GUI), and for integration with Python infrastructure (rather than TCL) to build tools for analysing or debugging a design. By focusing on source-level connectivity it is lightweight and will run faster than standard tools to perform a comparable task, whilst also being open source and unrestricted by licensing issues. Applications include critical timing path investigation, creation of unit tests for design structure and connectivity, and development of patterns for quality-of-result reporting. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: Installation ============ The following dependencies must be installed: - C++ compiler supporting C++17 - CMake (minimum 3.12.0) - Boost (minimum 1.65.0) - Python (minimum 3.8) - Make - Autoconf - Flex - Bison - Doxygen (only required if building the documentation) In an Ubuntu 20.04 environment for instance, these can be satisfied with: .. code-block:: bash ➜ apt-get update && apt-get install -yq build-essential git flex bison libboost-all-dev libfl-dev cmake To build and install netlist paths, configure the build system with CMake, then run Make. Note that Verilator is included as a submodule and as part of the build. .. code-block:: bash ➜ git clone ➜ cd netlist-paths ➜ git submodule update --init --recursive ... ➜ mkdir Release ➜ cd Release ➜ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./install ... ➜ make -j8 install ... Optionally, run the unit tests: .. code-block:: bash ➜ ctest --verbose ... To build the documentation add ``-DNETLIST_PATHS_BUILD_DOCS=1`` to the ``cmake`` command, and before running the ``cmake`` step, install the dependencies in a virtualenv: .. code-block:: bash ➜ cd Release ➜ virtualenv -p python3 env ... ➜ source env/bin/activate ➜ pip install -r ../docs/requirements.txt Once the build and install steps have completed, set ``PATH`` and ``PYTHONPATH`` appropriately to the ``bin`` and ``lib`` directories of the installation to make the command-line tools and Python modules accessible. User guide ========== Command-line tool ----------------- The easiest way to use Netlist Paths is with the ``netlist-paths`` command line tool, which provides ways to access the library's functionalities. For example (assuming ``PATH`` includes your installation directory), to compile and view a list of named objects in the FSM example module: .. code-block:: bash ➜ netlist-paths --compile examples/ --dump-names Name Type DType Width Direction Location -------------- ---- ------------ ----- --------- ------------------ i_clk PORT logic 1 INPUT examples/ i_finish PORT logic 1 INPUT examples/ i_rst PORT logic 1 INPUT examples/ i_start PORT logic 1 INPUT examples/ i_wait PORT logic 1 INPUT examples/ o_state PORT [2:0] logic 3 OUTPUT examples/ fsm.i_clk VAR logic 1 INPUT examples/ fsm.i_finish VAR logic 1 INPUT examples/ fsm.i_rst VAR logic 1 INPUT examples/ fsm.i_start VAR logic 1 INPUT examples/ fsm.i_wait VAR logic 1 INPUT examples/ fsm.next_state VAR packed union 3 NONE examples/ fsm.o_state VAR [2:0] logic 3 OUTPUT examples/ fsm.state_q REG packed union 3 NONE examples/ This output lists each of the variables in the design, their type (variable or register), the Verilog data type, with data type width, the direction of the variable (ports only) and the source location. This list can be filtered by also supplying a pattern (with the ``--regex`` flag to enable regular expression matching): .. code-block:: bash ➜ netlist-paths --compile examples/ --dump-names state --regex Name Type DType Width Direction Location -------------- ---- ------------ ----- --------- ------------------ o_state PORT [2:0] logic 3 OUTPUT examples/ fsm.next_state VAR packed union 3 NONE examples/ fsm.o_state VAR [2:0] logic 3 OUTPUT examples/ fsm.state_q REG packed union 3 NONE examples/ There is similar behaviour with ``--dump-nets``, ``--dump-ports``, ``--dump-regs`` to select only net, port or register variable types respectively. The argument ``--dump-dtypes`` reports the named data types used in the design: .. code-block:: bash ➜ netlist-paths --compile examples/ --dump-dtypes fsm --regex Name Width Description ---------------- ----- ------------ fsm.state_enum_t 3 enum fsm.state_t 3 packed union Note that the ``--compile`` argument causes Verilator to be run to create the XML netlist, and is useful for compiling simple examples. Execution of Verilator can be seen with verbose output: .. code-block:: bash ➜ netlist-paths --compile examples/ --verbose info: Running ".../bin/np-verilator_bin" --bbox-sys --bbox-unsup --xml-only --flatten --error-limit 10000 --xml-output l9pvjzq6 examples/ ... The ``-I`` and ``-D`` arguments can be used with ``--compile`` to add include directories and macro definitions respectively for Verilator, but for more complex invocations, Verilator can just be run separately and the path to the XML output provided to ``netlist-paths`` as an argument. Command-line tool reference --------------------------- .. code-block:: bash usage: netlist-paths [-h] [-c] [-I include_path] [-D definition] [-o file] [--dump-names [pattern]] [--dump-nets [pattern]] [--dump-ports [pattern]] [--dump-regs [pattern]] [--dump-dtypes [pattern]] [--dump-dot] [--from point] [--to point] [--through point] [--avoid point] [--traverse-registers] [--start-anywhere] [--end-anywhere] [--all-paths] [--regex] [--wildcard] [--ignore-hierarchy-markers] [-v] [-d] files [files ...] Query a Verilog netlist positional arguments: files Input files options: -h, --help Show this help message and exit --version Display the version number and exit -c, --compile Run Verilator to compile a netlist -I include_path Add an source include path (only with --compile) -D definition Define a preprocessor macro (only with --compile) -o file,--output file Specify an output file --dump-names [pattern] Dump all named entities, filter by regex --dump-nets [pattern] Dump all nets, filter by regex --dump-ports [pattern] Dump all ports, filter by regex --dump-regs [pattern] Dump all registers, filter by regex --dump-dtypes [pattern] Dump all data types, filter by regex --dump-dot Dump a dotfile of the netlist's graph --from point Specify a path start point --to point Specify a path finish point --through point Specify a path though point --avoid point Specify a point for a path to avoid --traverse-registers Allow paths to traverse registers --start-anywhere Allow paths to start on any variable --end-anywhere Allow paths to end on any variable --all-paths Find all paths between two points (exponential time) --regex Enable regular expression matching of names --wildcard Enable wildcard matching of names --ignore-hierarchy-markers Ignore hierarchy markers: _ . / -v, --verbose Print execution information -d, --debug Print debugging information Python module ------------- The functionality of Netlist Paths can be accessed in Python, using the ``py_netlist_paths`` module, which is is a wrapper around the C++ library. Full details of the API can be found in :ref:`python_api`, and for the C++ library in :ref:`cpp_api`. As a simple example, the Python Netlist Paths library can be used interactively, first by creating an XML netlist file (and making sure the library install directory is a search path for Python modules: .. code-block:: bash ➜ netlist-paths --compile examples/ --output fsm.xml ➜ export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/netlist-paths/install/lib:$PYTHONPATH A new ``Netlist`` object can then be created, specifying the XML file as an argument, and the list of named objects can be retrieved as above using the ``get_named_vertices()`` method: .. code-block:: bash ➜ python3 Python 3.9.0 (default, Dec 6 2020, 18:02:34) [Clang 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.27)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> from py_netlist_paths import Netlist >>> netlist = Netlist('fsm.xml') >>> for v in netlist.get_reg_vertices(): ... print(v.get_name()) ... fsm.state_q This can then easily be turned into a script to create a tool that reports registers in a design: .. code-block:: python import argparse import sys from py_netlist_paths import Netlist if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('netlist_file') args = parser.parse_args() netlist = np.Netlist(args.netlist_file) for register in netlist.get_reg_vertices(): print('{} {}'.format(register.get_name(), register.get_dtype_str())) This example tool can be run from the examples directory: .. code-block:: bash ➜ netlist-paths --compile examples/ --output fsm.xml ➜ python3 -m examples.list_registers -h usage: [-h] netlist_file positional arguments: netlist_file optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit ➜ python3 -m examples.list_registers fsm.xml fsm.state_q packed union Running Netlist Paths on a design --------------------------------- If it is possible to elaborate a design with Verilator, then Netlist Paths can be used to analyse the XML netlist of that design. Verilator produces the netlist with the arguments ``--xml-only`` (causing it to only create XML output) and ``--flatten`` (causing it to force inlining of all modules, tasks and functions, fully elaborating the netlist). Examples of complex, real-world designs can be found in the `netlist-paths-tests `_ repository. Limitations ----------- Netlist Paths has some limitations that should be considered when using it: - It does not perform elaboration of the design at the bit level, meaning that dependencies are between named variables, rather than components of variables, such as subscripts, slices, or fields. As such, the dependencies it does infer are at a coarse level of granularity. Full bit-level elaboration (or bit blasting) will substantially impact the size of the netlist graph, and the corresponding runtimes, but it is something that may be supported in the future. - During elaboration of the design, Verilator introduces new entities that do not appear in the original design source, with names beginning or containing ``__V``. This is a artefact of Verilator preparing the syntax tree for emission as C++ code for simulation, rather than as a true source-level netlist. Future releases of Verilator may improve this mapping. Contributing ============ Contributions are welcome, check the `GitHub issues page `_ for work to do, and please follow the `LLVM coding standards `_. Developer notes --------------- The command-line flags ``--verbose`` and ``--debug`` provide logging information that can aid debugging. To produce XML from a test case (noting the underlying call to Verilator), using an adder as an example: .. code-block:: bash ➜ cat tests/verilog/ module adder #(parameter p_width = 32)( input logic [p_width-1:0] i_a, input logic [p_width-1:0] i_b, output logic [p_width-1:0] o_sum, output logic o_co ); assign {o_co, o_sum} = i_a + i_b; endmodule ➜ netlist-paths --compile tests/verilog/ -o adder.xml --verbose info: Running ".../netlist-paths/Debug/install/bin/np-verilator_bin" --bbox-sys --bbox-unsup --xml-only --flatten --error-limit 10000 --xml-output adder.xml tests/verilog/ info: Parsing input XML file info: 1 modules in netlist info: 0 interfaces in netlist info: 0 packages in netlist info: 4 entries in type table info: Netlist contains 15 vertices and 22 edges To produce a visualisation of the netlist graph, a dot file can be produced and rendered into an image. This can be useful to understand the structure of the graph, although it is only practical to use with small designs. .. code-block:: bash ➜ netlist-paths adder.xml --dump-dot -o ➜ dot -Tpdf -o adder.pdf .. figure:: images/adder-graph.* The tests are split into three categories: C++ unit tests for the library components, Python unit tests for the Python API and Python integration tests for the command-line tools. These can all be run automatically using `ctest`, or individually. .. code-block:: bash ➜ ctest --verbose # Run all tests from the build directory. For the C++ unit tests: .. code-block:: bash ➜ ./tests/unit/UnitTests --help ➜ ./tests/unit/UnitTests --list_content # Report a list of all the tests. ➜ ./tests/unit/UnitTests # Run all the unit tests ... For the Python API unit tests: .. code-block:: bash ➜ cd Debug/tests/integration ➜ python3 -m unittest ... For the Python integration tests: .. code-block:: bash ➜ cd Debug/tests/integration ➜ python3 -m unittest ... To run the extended test set, the `netlist-paths-tests `_ repository contains tests based on external System Verilog designs. Internals --------- Netlist Paths works by reading an XML representation of a Verilog design produced by Verilator, which is a single flattened module with all tasks, functions, and sub-module instances inlined (Verilator is run using the ``--xml-only`` and ``--flatten`` options). The XML is traversed to build up a directed graph data structure representing the design netlist, where nodes of the graph are logic statements or variables, and edges are data dependencies between them. The data-type information of the design is also read from the XML, and a corresponding data-type table is constructed, that each variable references. To support querying of paths that start and/or finish on registers (as is the case with physical timing reports), registers are identified during parsing of the XML so they can be split into two components: a source and a destination, with out-edges and in-edges of the original node respectively. Register variables are identified when they appear on the left-hand side of a non-blocking assignment [#register-identification]_. As an example, consider the following module that provides a bank of asynchronous-reset flip flops: .. code-block:: verilog module pipestage #(parameter p_width=32) ( input logic i_clk, input logic i_rst, input logic [p_width-1:0] in, output logic [p_width-1:0] out ); logic [p_width-1:0] data_q; always_ff @(posedge i_clk or posedge i_rst) if (i_rst) begin data_q <= '0; end else begin data_q <= in; end assign out = data_q; endmodule The netlist graph of the ``pipestage`` has two distinct components: the fan in-cone to ``data_q`` (appearing as a ``DST_REG``) including the sensitivity list of the always block and the input port, and ``data_q`` driving the output port (appearing as a ``SRC_REG``). .. figure:: images/pipestage-graph.* Edges between register endpoints and subsequent uses of the register are retained in the graph to support queries 'through' registers, which can be useful for establishing connectivity in a pipelined design. .. [#register-identification] Note that this condition is simplistic and will be extended to check the always block is sensitive to a rising or falling edge of a clock. It is however sufficient to identify registers in most RTL code, which generally does not mix blocking and non-blocking assignments. See `Issue 5 `_. .. _cpp_api: C++ API reference ================= DType ----- .. doxygenclass:: netlist_paths::DType :members: Exception --------- .. doxygenclass:: netlist_paths::Exception .. doxygenclass:: netlist_paths::XMLException Netlist ------- .. doxygenclass:: netlist_paths::Netlist :members: Options ------- .. doxygenclass:: netlist_paths::Options :members: Path ----- .. doxygenclass:: netlist_paths::Path :members: RunVerilator ------------ .. doxygenclass:: netlist_paths::RunVerilator :members: Vertex ------ .. doxygenclass:: netlist_paths::Vertex :members: .. doxygenenum:: netlist_paths::VertexAstType .. doxygenenum:: netlist_paths::VertexNetlistType .. doxygenenum:: netlist_paths::VertexDirection Waypoints --------- .. doxygenclass:: netlist_paths::Waypoints :members: .. _python_api: Python API reference ==================== DType ----- .. autoclass:: py_netlist_paths.DType :members: :undoc-members: Options ------- .. autoclass:: py_netlist_paths.Options :members: :undoc-members: Netlist ------- .. autoclass:: py_netlist_paths.Netlist :members: :undoc-members: Waypoints --------- .. autoclass:: py_netlist_paths.Waypoints :members: :undoc-members: Path ---- .. autoclass:: py_netlist_paths.Path :members: :undoc-members: RunVerilator ------------ .. autoclass:: py_netlist_paths.RunVerilator :members: :undoc-members: Vertex ------ .. autoclass:: py_netlist_paths.Vertex :members: :undoc-members: